LeadConduit by ActiveProspect

Creating a New Campaign


Campaigns can only be added by Entities that are paying customers of the LeadConduit service. Users associated with a paying customer account must have Administrative rights to create a new campaign. A campaign is associated with an Advertiser or Lead Recipient. If you are the lead recipient the campaign will be included in the "My Campaigns" section of the Campaigns page. If another company is the lead recipient, it will be included in the "Other Campaigns available to Me" section.

Creating a New Campaign when you are the Advertiser

Complete the following steps to create a new Campaign.

Note: "*" denotes required fields.

  1. Click the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click [New Campaign] in the menubar.
  3. In the Campaign Definition screen,
    1. Enter a Campaign Name*.
    2. Check the Campaign Is Active? option.
    3. Enter a Short Description.
    4. Enter a Long Description.
    5. Enter Requirements.

Note: The Requirements field is used as a place to provide specific notes to Lead Providers regarding running a Campaign.

  1. Click the Save button.

Creating a new campaign when another Entity is the Advertiser

This is applicable if you are selling leads to another company.

  1. You must first establish a relationship in your account with the company with whom you plan to sell leads. For more info, see Creating an Entity
  2. Send in a request to support@activeprospect.com to create the new campaign on behalf of that Entity. Support will give you management rights over the campaign.
  3. Once Support has notified you that the campaign has been created, you may set up the campaign.

Modifying campaign names

To modify the name for of an already existing campaign complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the campaigns tab.
  2. Click on the campaign that you want to change.
  3. On the campaign view screen, click on the link called, basic info.
  4. Change the name and click the save button.

See Also:

last updated 11/17/2008 5:32 PM