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    (Open) Katrinak
    Before we dive into the removal process, it's essential to understand the how to remove amazon ads  and how they may appear on your website. Amazon offers various advertising solutions, including display ads, sponsored products, and native shopping ads. These ads are typically displayed based on user behavior, browsing history, and website content relevance.Negative keywords on Amazon work the same way as they do with Google and Bing ads. They prevent your ad from showing up on the Amazon results page when someone searches for a term you have specified as a negative keyword. For example, if you are a kitchenware retailer that sells stemless wine glasses, you may want to bid on the broad search term “glasses”. But a consumer may come along and type “glasses” into the search bar looking for reading glasses. If the reading glasses consumer clicks on your ad for wine glasses, they probably aren’t very likely to purchase and it can drive up costs.