LeadConduit by ActiveProspect

Delivery Mechanisms


LeadConduit supports several methods of data delivery including:

  • Manual delivery of batch files.
  • Automated email delivery.
  • Automated real-time delivery of individual leads via HTTP/HTTPS.

Manual Delivery

You can always download your leads through your web-based account at anytime by using the "manual delivery" option. Downloading leads through the manual delivery process automatically moves the downloaded leads from "Pending" status to "Delivered" status.

Note: A Manual Transfer is not the same as Exporting Data which does not change the status of the Leads.

Complete the following steps to download your leads as a manual delivery.

  1. Click the Tools tab.
  2. Click the Manual Delivery hyperlink item.
  3. Follow the directions on the screen to download the leads in the format you want.

Leads may be downloaded in CSV or tab-delimited formats. Users may also specify whether fields should be quoted and whether or not the header row should be included in the file.

Email Transfer

Leads may be automatically delivered to specified email addresses. Leads may be delivered as batch files sent at set intervals (ire. daily, hourly, etc.) or at predetermined times (ire. 8:00 am, 3:00 pm, etc.). Alternatively, leads may be sent in real-time, one at a time. In either case, leads are sent as an attachment to the email.

By default, the file attachment will be in CSV format and will contain a header row that contains every field for that campaign (whether that field is required or optional). So even if a field value was not present for a particular lead, the header row will still contain the field name for that field.

This option requires ActiveProspect Professional Services to set up the process. To have this process setup, please contact Technical Support at support@activeprospect.com.

Real-time Automated Transfer (HTTP/HTTPS POST)

Leads may be automatically delivered in real-time via an HTTP/HTTPS POST. This is the recommended method of delivery. Using this method, leads are transferred immediately after submission into LeadConduit.

This option requires ActiveProspect Professional Services to set up the process. To have this process setup, please contact Technical Support at support@activeprospect.com.

Real-time Transfer requires that you provide:

  1. A posting URL for your server (the recipient server).
  2. A list of fields to be included in the post. All campaign fields are included by default.
  3. Optional: A mapping from the LeadConduit field names to the field names to be used in the post. The LeadConduit field names are used by default.
  4. A definition of the responses LeadConduit will receive from your server.

Interpretation of the recipient server response is a critical part of this transfer method. LeadConduit interprets the recipient server response and reacts by one of the following:

  • Marking the lead as rejected
  • Marking the lead as delivered.
  • Re-transmitting the lead.

Therefore a comprehensive description of the recipient server response is required so that LeadConduit may react appropriately.

last updated 8/25/2008 4:22 PM