LeadConduit by ActiveProspect

Campaign Payouts



LeadConduit makes it easy to manage your campaign's accounting. With pricing configured, your reports will automatically include the cost, revenue and profit for your leads.

You can set the payout for leads in each campaign in several ways. For example, you could set one price for leads from Affiliate A, and a different price for leads from Affiliate B. You can also set prices based on lead data. For example, you could offer one payout for leads from California, and another payout for leads from Nevada.

Pricing is set by the lead buyer. Depending on your role, you may set prices for leads you're receiving (as described below), or you may simply reference the prices set by whomever is buying the leads you provide. In some cases, such as when you're tracking leads from your own website, you might not set any pricing at all.

Payout details and access to the configuration are available from a number of pages, including the main campaign page. You can access this by clicking the name of a campaign listed on the "Campaigns" tab. On the campaign page, look for the "Campaign Sharing & Lead Payout" section.

Campaign Default Payout

This is the simplest pricing configuration: you just define a single price to pay for all leads in the campaign, regardless of what source they come from or what data they contain. In some cases, that may be all you need to configure.

Note that this setting can also come into play in more complex pricing scenarios, as described below.

Campaign Payout Rules

Here you can define different payouts for leads depending on the data they contain. You can pay more or less depending on the lead's state or ZIP code, for example.

The order of these rules matters. For each lead that comes into this campaign, the rules are evaluated in the order shown on this page. The price of the first rule that matches will apply to the lead. If no rules match, then the campaign default payout (see above) will apply.

Adding a Rule

Click the "add a rule" link to get started. On that page, you can define a rule name, the price, and any number of conditions to be evaluated.

The rule name is simply a label you can use to describe it for easy reference: "CA leads" or "Nursing leads", for example. A simple "Rule 1" ("Rule 2", etc.) name is provided automatically, if you choose not to name your rules.

Rules can be made up of a number of conditions, and you can set whether they match if all conditions are true, or if any of them are. For example, if you want a rule to match whenever the state is California or the age is greater than 21, select "any" from the dropdown. That would match 35-year-olds from Nevada as well as 19-year-olds from California. Or, if you want to set this price only for leads from adult Californians, select "all" from the dropdown. (If a rule has only one condition, then it doesn't matter what the "any/all" setting is.)

To set the condition, first pick the campaign field. The list of fields excludes those that don't make sense to set prices on, such as "First Name" or "Email". (If your campaign has "Text" fields for that data, however, those will be shown. You might want to change those to LeadConduit's built-in field types!)

Once you've selected the field, you set the values that will match for this rule. For numeric values, such as Age and Debt Amount, the condition can be set to match when leads have a value less than, equal to or greater than the value you enter here.

For "Text" and "Text - List" fields, you can enter a single value or a comma-separated list of values to match. If you select a "Text - List" or "Zip Code" field, a link will appear that you can click to see that field's allowed values, per the campaign's acceptance criteria.

After you click "Save" to save your rule with its first condition, you will remain on the same rule page. You can add additional conditions as needed, or click the "cancel" link.

Affiliate-Specific Pricing

All the affiliates that can provide leads in this campaign are shown on the right. You can customize the pricing for each of them. You can specify an affiliate default payout that applies to all leads from that provider, and you can also add pricing rules in addition to that.

There is some interaction between campaign-level pricing and affiliate-specific settings.
1. If no pricing is set on an affiliate, then the campaign settings apply
2. If an affiliate has its own default payout, then no campaign settings, neither rules nor campaign default payout, will ever apply. This is true whether there are affiliate-level pricing rules or not
3. If an affiliate has pricing rules but no default payout, then the campaign default payout will apply whenever no rules match
The affiliate pricing page is similar to the left-hand side of the main campaign page. It shows the default payout for that affiliate (which may be based on the campaign-level default payout), and any pricing rules that are defined for this affiliate. Rules are added, ordered and managed as described in the "Campaign Payout Rules" section above.

Affiliate-specific rules will be shown in the posting instructions for this affiliate.
last updated 12/22/2009 2:35 PM